book debit

Book Debit Meaning in Bengali: বই ডেবিট (noun, /bɔɪ dɛbɪt/), বই ডেবিট করা (verb, /bɔɪ dɛbɪt kɔra/), বই ডেবিট হিসাব (noun, /bɔɪ dɛbɪt hisab/)

Definition and Part of Speech

Book Debit is a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the act of recording an amount as a debt in a bookkeeping system. As a verb, it means to enter an amount as a debt in a bookkeeping system.

Synonyms of Book Debit

1. Credit (noun, ক্রেডিট)
2. Liability (noun, দায়িত্ব)
3. Indebtedness (noun, ঋণপত্র)
4. Obligation (noun, দায়িত্ব)
5. Debt (noun, ঋণ)

Antonyms of Book Debit

1. Credit (noun, ক্রেডিট)
2. Asset (noun, সম্পদ)
3. Income (noun, আয়)
4. Profit (noun, লাভ)
5. Gain (noun, লাভ)

Origin of Book Debit

The term “book debit” originated from the field of accounting and bookkeeping. It is derived from the English words “book” and “debit,” which refer to recording transactions and entering an amount as a debt, respectively.

Nearby Words

1. Bookkeeping (noun, হিসাবরক্ষণ)
2. Bookkeeper (noun, হিসাবরক্ষক)
3. Booklet (noun, বইপত্র)
4. Bookish (adjective, পাঠপ্রবন্ধপ্রিয়)
5. Bookworm (noun, পাঠপ্রবন্ধপ্রিয়)

Book Debit in Literature Quotes

1. “A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.” – Martin Tupper (একটি ভাল বই সেরা বন্ধু, আজ এবং সর্বদা।)
2. “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King (বইগুলি একটি অনন্যভাবে বহনযোগ্য জাদু।)
3. “The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” – Albert Einstein (একমাত্র জিনিস যা আপনাকে অবশ্যই জানতে হবে তা হলো লাইব্রেরির অবস্থান।)

Book Debit Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বই ডেবিট
Hindi: पुस्तक डेबिट
Nepali: पुस्तक डेबिट
Urdu: کتاب ڈیبٹ
Tamil: புத்தக டெபிட்
Telugu: పుస్తక డెబిట్
Arabic: ديبت الكتاب
Chinese: 图书借方
Japanese: ブックデビット
Russian: книжный дебет

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