book fair

Book Fair Meaning in Bengali: বই মেলা (noun, bɔi mela)

Definition of Book Fair

A book fair is an event where various publishers, authors, and book enthusiasts come together to showcase and sell books. It is a platform for promoting literature, encouraging reading habits, and fostering cultural exchange.

Synonyms of Book Fair

  • Book Exhibition (noun, bɔi eksibishan)
  • Literary Festival (noun, litɛreri festibal)
  • Reading Fair (noun, ridiŋ fɛr)
  • Book Expo (noun, bɔi ɛkspo)

Antonyms of Book Fair

  • Book Burning (noun, bɔi bɜrning) – বই দাহ (noun, bɔi dah)
  • Book Ban (noun, bɔi ban) – বই নিষিদ্ধি (noun, bɔi nishiddhi)
  • Book Censorship (noun, bɔi sɛnsɔrʃip) – বই সংশোধন (noun, bɔi sɔŋshodhon)

Origin of Book Fair

The concept of book fairs can be traced back to ancient times when trade fairs were organized to exchange goods, including books. The modern book fair as we know it today originated in the 19th century, with the first international book fair held in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1949.

Nearby Words

  • Bookcase (noun, bɔikɛs) – বইশ্রেণী (noun, bɔishrɛṇi)
  • Bookshelf (noun, bɔkʃɛlf) – বইপাত্র (noun, bɔipatɾo)
  • Bookstore (noun, bɔkstɔr) – বইদোকান (noun, bɔidokan)
  • Bookmark (noun, bʊkmɑrk) – বুকমার্ক (noun, bukmɑrk)

Book Fair in Literature Quotes

  • “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King (Bengali meaning: “বইগুলি একটি অদ্বিতীয় পরিবহনযোগ্য জাদু।” – স্টিভেন কিং)
  • “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero (Bengali meaning: “বই ছাড়া একটি ঘর একটি দেহের মতো অরূপ।” – মার্কাস টুলিয়াস সিসেরো)

Book Fair Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বই মেলা (bɔi mela)
  • Hindi: पुस्तक मेला (pustak mela)
  • Nepali: पुस्तक मेला (pustak mela)
  • Urdu: کتاب میلہ (kitab mela)
  • Tamil: புத்தக மேலா (puthak mēlā)
  • Telugu: పుస్తక మేళా (pustaka mēḷā)
  • Arabic: معرض الكتاب (maerad alkitab)
  • Chinese: 书展 (shū zhǎn)
  • Japanese: 本のフェア (hon no fea)
  • Russian: книжная ярмарка (knizhnaya yarmarka)

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