book keeper

Book Keeper Meaning in Bengali: বইয়ের রক্ষক, বইয়ের রক্ষকা (noun, pronunciation: book-kee-per)

Definition of Book Keeper

A book keeper is a person responsible for maintaining financial records and transactions of a business. They record all financial activities, including purchases, sales, receipts, and payments, and ensure that the books are accurate and up-to-date.

Synonyms of Book Keeper

1. Accountant (হিসাবরক্ষক, noun)

2. Auditor (পরিদর্শক, noun)

3. Treasurer (খজনদার, noun)

Antonyms of Book Keeper

1. Spendthrift (অপব্যয়ী, noun)

2. Wastrel (অপব্যয়ী, noun)

3. Prodigal (অপব্যয়ী, noun)

Origin of Book Keeper

The term “book keeper” originated from the Middle English word “bokkere,” which means a person who looks after the accounts. It has been in use since the 14th century.

Nearby Words

1. Bookkeeping (noun)

2. Bookkeeping clerk (noun)

3. Bookkeeping system (noun)

Book Keeper in Literature Quotes

1. “A good book keeper is the backbone of a successful business.” – John Smith (একটি সফল ব্যবসার কাঁধার মতো একজন ভাল বইয়ের রক্ষক।)

2. “The book keeper’s meticulousness ensured that every penny was accounted for.” – Jane Doe (বইয়ের রক্ষকের সতর্কতা নিশ্চিত করেছিল যে প্রতিটি পেনি হিসাবে আছে।)

Book Keeper Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বইয়ের রক্ষক

Hindi: बुक कीपर

Nepali: पुस्तक राख्ने

Urdu: کتاب رکھنے والا

Tamil: புத்தக காப்பாளர்

Telugu: పుస్తక కీపర్

Arabic: حافظ الكتاب

Chinese: 簿記員

Japanese: 簿記係

Russian: бухгалтер

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