
Bookless Meaning in Bengali: বইহীন, বইবিহীন (noun, pronunciation: book-less)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bookless is a noun that refers to someone or something that is without books or lacks access to books. It can also describe a place or situation where books are not present or not needed.

Synonyms of Bookless

Some synonyms of bookless include:

  • Unread (অপঠিত)
  • Illiterate (অশিক্ষিত)
  • Uneducated (অশিক্ষিত)
  • Unlettered (অলিখিত)
  • Uninformed (অজ্ঞ)

Antonyms of Bookless

Some antonyms of bookless include:

  • Literate (সাক্ষরিক)
  • Well-read (ভাল পঠিত)
  • Educated (শিক্ষিত)
  • Informed (জ্ঞ)

Origin of Bookless

The word bookless originated from the combination of the word “book” and the suffix “-less,” which means without. It first appeared in the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

  • Booklet (noun)
  • Bookish (adjective)
  • Bookcase (noun)
  • Bookworm (noun)
  • Bookstore (noun)

Bookless in Literature Quotes

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero (একটি ঘর যেখানে কোনও বই নেই তার মতো একটি দেহ যেখানে কোনও আত্মা নেই।)

“The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn’t know how to read.” – Benjamin Franklin (যে ব্যক্তি বৃষ্টির দিনে অনাথ হয় এবং পড়া কিভাবে করতে হয় তা জানে না, সেই ব্যক্তিই সবচেয়ে বেশি দয়ার মানুষ।)

Bookless Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বইহীন
  • Hindi: बुकलेस
  • Nepali: पुस्तकहीन
  • Urdu: بکلیس
  • Tamil: புத்தகமில்லாத
  • Telugu: పుస్తకరహిత
  • Arabic: بلا كتاب
  • Chinese: 无书
  • Japanese: 本のない
  • Russian: без книг

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