
Bookseller Meaning in Bengali: বই বিক্রেতা (noun, bɔi bikrētā)

Definition and Origin

Bookseller is a noun that refers to a person or establishment that sells books. It is pronounced as “book-sel-er.” The term originated from the combination of the words “book” and “seller,” indicating someone who sells books.


Some synonyms of bookseller include:

  • Book vendor (বই বিক্রেতা)
  • Book merchant (বই ব্যবসায়ী)
  • Book trader (বই বাণিজ্যিক)
  • Bookshop owner (বইয়ের দোকানের মালিক)


Some antonyms of bookseller include:

  • Book buyer (বই ক্রেতা)
  • Book borrower (বই ধারক)
  • Book reader (বই পাঠক)


The concept of bookselling dates back to ancient times when books were written by hand and sold by scribes or individuals who copied manuscripts. Over time, bookselling evolved with the invention of the printing press, leading to the establishment of bookshops and the profession of booksellers.

Nearby Words

  • Bookshelf (noun) – বইপাত্র (bɔipātr)
  • Bookstore (noun) – বইদোকান (bɔidōkān)
  • Bookworm (noun) – বইপাঠক (bɔipāthak)
  • Bookcase (noun) – বইবিচ্ছেদক (bɔibicchedak)

Bookseller in Literature Quotes

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King (বইগুলি একটি অদ্বিতীয়ভাবে পরিবহনযোগ্য জাদু। – স্টিভেন কিং)

“A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.” – Jerry Seinfeld (একটি বইদোকান একটি প্রমাণ যে মানুষ এখনও চিন্তা করছে। – জেরি সাইনফেল্ড)

Bookseller Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বই বিক্রেতা
  • Hindi: पुस्तक विक्रेता
  • Nepali: पुस्तक बिक्रेता
  • Urdu: کتاب فروش
  • Tamil: புத்தக விற்பனையாளர்
  • Telugu: పుస్తక విక్రేత
  • Arabic: بائع الكتب
  • Chinese: 书商 (shūshāng)
  • Japanese: 書店主 (shoten-nushi)
  • Russian: книжный продавец (knizhnyy prodavets)

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