
Bordeaux Meaning in Bengali: বর্ডো (bôrḍō), বর্ডো রঙ (bôrḍō raṅ), বর্ডো মদ (bôrḍō môd) (Noun, Pronunciation: bawr-doh)

Definition of Bordeaux

Bordeaux is a noun that refers to a red or white wine produced in the Bordeaux region of France. It is also used to describe the color of the wine, which is a deep, dark red. The term can also be used to refer to the city of Bordeaux itself.

Synonyms of Bordeaux

1. Claret (ক্লারেট) – Noun

2. Red wine (রেড ওয়াইন) – Noun

3. Burgundy (বার্গান্ডি) – Noun

Antonyms of Bordeaux

1. White wine (সাদা ওয়াইন) – Noun

2. Rosé (রোজে) – Noun

3. Champagne (চ্যাম্পেইন) – Noun

Origin of Bordeaux

The word “Bordeaux” originates from the name of the city in France where the wine is produced. The region has a long history of winemaking, dating back to the Roman era. Bordeaux wines are known for their exceptional quality and are highly regarded in the wine industry.

Nearby Words

1. Vineyard (Noun) – দ্রাক্ষারণ্য

2. Winery (Noun) – মদ তৈরির কারখানা

3. Grape (Noun) – আঙ্গুর

Bordeaux in Literature Quotes

1. “Wine is the most civilized thing in the world.” – Ernest Hemingway (মদ বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে সভ্য জিনিস।)

2. “A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.” – Louis Pasteur (একটি বোতল মদে পৃথিবীর সব বইতেও বেশি দর্শন রয়েছে।)

Bordeaux Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বর্ডো, Hindi: बोर्डो, Nepali: बोर्डो, Urdu: بورڈو, Tamil: பொர்டோ, Telugu: బొర్డో, Arabic: بوردو, Chinese: 波尔多, Japanese: ボルドー, Russian: Бордо

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