
Borderlines Meaning in Bengali: সীমান্ত (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbɔːrdərlaɪnz/), সীমান্তবর্তী (adjective, pronunciation: /ˈbɔːrdərlaɪnz/), সীমান্তবর্তীতা (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbɔːrdərlaɪnz/), সীমান্তবর্তীকরণ (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbɔːrdərlaɪnz/)

Definition of Borderlines

Borderlines is a noun that refers to the boundaries or limits that separate one thing from another. It can also be used to describe the area or region near a border. The term can be used in both literal and figurative contexts.

Synonyms of Borderlines

1. Boundaries (সীমা, noun): The limits or edges that define the extent of something.

2. Frontiers (সীমান্ত, noun): The area or region near a border.

3. Divisions (বিভাগ, noun): The act of separating or dividing something into parts.

4. Edges (পার্শ্ব, noun): The outer limit or boundary of something.

Antonyms of Borderlines

1. Connections (সংযোগ, noun): The state of being linked or joined together.

2. Unions (সংঘ, noun): The act of joining or combining two or more things into one.

3. Integrations (সংমিশ্রণ, noun): The process of combining or merging different elements into a unified whole.

4. Blends (মিশ্রণ, noun): The mixture or combination of different elements or substances.

Origin of Borderlines

The word “borderlines” originated from the combination of the words “border” and “lines.” The term has been in use since the late 19th century.

Nearby Words

1. Border (noun): The line or frontier separating two countries or regions.

2. Boundary (noun): The dividing line between two areas or territories.

3. Limit (noun): The point beyond which something does not or may not extend.

4. Margin (noun): The edge or border of something.

Borderlines in Literature Quotes

1. “The borderlines between reality and fiction are often blurred.” – Haruki Murakami (বাস্তবতা এবং কল্পনা মধ্যের সীমান্ত সময়ে অস্পষ্ট হয়ে যায়।)

2. “The borderlines of our minds are where the most interesting ideas are born.” – Neil Gaiman (আমাদের মনের সীমান্ত যেখানে সবচেয়ে আকর্ষণীয় ধারণাগুলি জন্ম নেয়।)

Borderlines Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: সীমান্ত, Hindi: सीमाओं, Nepali: सीमाओं, Urdu: سرحدوں, Tamil: எல்லைகள், Telugu: పరిమితులు, Arabic: الحدود, Chinese: 边界, Japanese: 境界線, Russian: границы

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