bore down

Bore Down Meaning in Bengali: নিচে নামানো (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) বা নিচে নামানোর অর্থ বা ব্যবহার (pronunciation)

Part of Speech: (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) [pronunciation]

Definition: The term “bore down” refers to the act of exerting pressure or force in a downward direction. It can be used both literally and figuratively. In a literal sense, it can mean to push or press down with physical force. Figuratively, it can mean to apply oneself with determination and intensity to achieve a goal or overcome an obstacle.

Synonyms of Bore Down: (verb) press down, push down, exert pressure, bear down, weigh down, oppress, overwhelm, dominate, subdue, suppress, crush, defeat, conquer, prevail over, trample, subjugate, control, master, etc.

Antonyms of Bore Down: (verb) lift up, raise, elevate, uplift, encourage, support, empower, liberate, inspire, motivate, etc. (উঠানো, উত্তেজনা দেওয়া, উদ্ধার করা, উদ্ধার করা, উৎসাহ দেওয়া, সমর্থন করা, শক্তিশালী করা, প্রেরণা দেওয়া)

Origin of Bore Down: The exact origin of the phrase “bore down” is unclear. However, it can be traced back to the Old English word “borian,” which means “to pierce” or “to make a hole.” Over time, the term evolved to include the concept of exerting pressure or force in a downward direction.

Nearby Words: (noun) bore, boredom, borer; (verb) bore, bored, boring; (adjective) bored, boring; (adverb) boringly, boredly.

Bore Down in Literature Quotes:

  1. “He bore down on his opponent with unwavering determination.” – John Smith (তিনি অপরাজিত সঙ্গে নির্বিক সঙ্গে নিচে নামান)
  2. “The weight of the world bore down on her shoulders.” – Jane Doe (পৃথিবীর ভার তার কান্ধে নিচে নামান)

Bore Down Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: নিচে নামানো
  • Hindi: नीचे धरना
  • Nepali: तल धर्ना
  • Urdu: نیچے دبانا
  • Tamil: கீழே அழுத்து
  • Telugu: క్రిందకు వేయి
  • Arabic: الضغط لأسفل
  • Chinese: 向下施加压力
  • Japanese: 圧力をかける
  • Russian: давить вниз

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