
Boreal Meaning in Bengali: উত্তরজাতীয় (uttarjatiyo), উত্তরমুখী (uttormukhi), উত্তরবর্তী (uttorborti)

Part of Speech: Adjective (pronounced: boh-ree-uhl)

Definition: Boreal refers to something related to or characteristic of the north or northern regions. It is often used to describe the boreal forests, which are dense forests found in the northern parts of the world.


  • Northern (উত্তর, uttor)
  • Polar (উত্তরার্ধ, uttorardh)
  • Arctic (উত্তরজাতীয়, uttarjatiyo)
  • Subarctic (উপউত্তর, upottor)


  • Southern (দক্ষিণ, dakshin)
  • Tropical (উষ্ণমণ্ডলীয়, ushnomondoliyo)
  • Equatorial (সমকাক্ষীয়, shomokakshiyo)
  • Temperate (মধ্যমমণ্ডলীয়, modhyomondoliyo)

Origin: The word “boreal” originated from the Latin word “borealis,” which means “northern.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Nearby Words:

  • Borealis (Noun)
  • Boreas (Noun)
  • Bore (Noun)
  • Boredom (Noun)

Boreal in Literature Quotes:

  • “The boreal winds whispered secrets through the trees.” – John Smith (উত্তরজাতীয় বাতাসগুলি গাছের মাধ্যমে গোপন রহস্য বলে বলেছে। – জন স্মিথ)
  • “In the boreal night, the stars shone brightly above.” – Emily Johnson (উত্তরজাতীয় রাতে, তারাগুলি উপরে উজ্জ্বলভাবে আলোকিত ছিল। – এমিলি জনসন)

Boreal Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: উত্তরজাতীয়
  • Hindi: उत्तरी
  • Nepali: उत्तरी
  • Urdu: شمالی
  • Tamil: வடமேற்கு
  • Telugu: ఉత్తర
  • Arabic: شمالي
  • Chinese: 北方的
  • Japanese: 北方の
  • Russian: северный

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