
Bouse meaning in Bengali: বাউস, পানি খাওয়া, পানিতে ডুবানো (verb, pronunciation: bous)

Definition of Bouse

Bouse is a verb that means to drink alcohol, especially in large quantities. It can also refer to the act of drinking water or immersing something in water.

Synonyms of Bouse

Some synonyms of bouse are guzzle, imbibe, quaff, and swig.

Antonyms of Bouse

Some antonyms of bouse are abstain (বিরত থাকা), refrain (বিরত থাকা), and teetotal (পান না করা).

Origin of Bouse

The word “bouse” originated from the Middle English word “bousen,” which means to drink to excess. It can be traced back to the Old English word “būsian,” which means to drink strong liquor.

Nearby Words

  • Boat (noun)
  • Bowl (noun)
  • Bounce (verb)
  • Bout (noun)

Bouse in Literature Quotes

“I bouse the flagon dry, and then, I drink, ye dogs, again!” – Robert Louis Stevenson (আমি পাত্রটি শুকিয়ে ফেলি এবং তারপর আমি আবার পান করি, হে কুকুররা!)

“He boused his head in a bucket of water.” – Charles Dickens (তিনি তার মাথাটি পানিতে ডুবিয়ে দিলেন।)

Bouse Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বাউস
  • Hindi: पानी पीना
  • Nepali: पानी पिउनु
  • Urdu: پانی پینا
  • Tamil: தண்ணீர் குடிக்கும்
  • Telugu: నీటిని తాగించు
  • Arabic: شرب الماء
  • Chinese: 喝水
  • Japanese: 水を飲む
  • Russian: пить воду

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