Box Office Meaning in Bengali: বক্স অফিস, টিকেট বিক্রয়ের দফা, বক্স অফিস (noun, /bɒks ˈɒfɪs/)
(noun) The place where tickets are sold for a performance, movie, or event, typically a theater or cinema.
ticket office, box office counter, ticket booth, ticket window, booking office
audience, spectators, viewers, attendees (দর্শক, দর্শকগণ, দর্শকবৃন্দ, উপস্থিত ব্যক্তিবর্গ)
The term “box office” originated in the late 18th century, referring to the office or booth where theater tickets were sold. It is derived from the practice of keeping the money collected in a locked box, which was then counted and recorded at the end of the day.
Nearby Words
ticket, theater, cinema, performance, event (noun)
Box Office in Literature Quotes
“The box office is the ultimate judge of a film’s success.” – Steven Spielberg (বক্স অফিস একটি চলচ্চিত্রের সাফল্যের চূড়ান্ত বিচারক।)
“The box office is a reflection of the audience’s taste.” – Quentin Tarantino (বক্স অফিস দর্শকের স্বাদের প্রতিফলন।)
Box Office Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: বক্স অফিস, Hindi: बॉक्स ऑफिस, Nepali: बक्स ऑफिस, Urdu: باکس آفس, Tamil: பாக்ஸ் அபீஸ், Telugu: బాక్స్ ఆఫీస్, Arabic: شباك التذاكر, Chinese: 售票处, Japanese: ボックスオフィス, Russian: касса
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