
Boxen Meaning in Bengali: বক্সেন (noun), বক্সেন (pronunciation: bɒksən)

Definition and Part of Speech

Boxen is a noun in the English language. It refers to a plural form of the word “box,” which means a container typically made of wood, cardboard, or plastic, used for storing or transporting goods.

Synonyms of Boxen

Some synonyms of boxen include:

  • Crates (ক্রেটস্)
  • Chests (চেস্টস্)
  • Containers (কন্টেইনার্‌স্)
  • Packages (প্যাকেজেস্)

Antonyms of Boxen

Antonyms of boxen include:

  • Unpack (আনপ্যাক্)
  • Empty (খালি)
  • Release (মুক্ত করা)
  • Disassemble (বিচ্ছেদ করা)

Origin of Boxen

The word boxen originated from the Middle English word “box,” which came from the Old English word “box,” meaning a container or receptacle. The plural form “boxen” was created by adding the suffix “-en” to the singular form “box.”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to boxen include:

  • Boxer (noun)
  • Boxing (noun)
  • Boxwood (noun)
  • Boxful (noun)

Boxen in Literature Quotes

Here are a few quotes from literature that mention boxen:

“The room was filled with stacks of boxen, each containing a different treasure.” – J.K. Rowling (ককস্টের মধ্যে বিভিন্ন সম্পদ ধারণ করা বক্সেনের স্ট্যাক দিয়ে ভরা ছিল এই ঘরটি।)

“He opened the boxen one by one, revealing the secrets they held.” – Agatha Christie (তিনি একে একে বক্সেনগুলি খুলে তারা ধারণ করে থাকা রহস্যগুলি প্রকাশ করলেন।)

Boxen Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of boxen in different languages:

  • Bengali: বক্সেন
  • Hindi: बॉक्सेन
  • Nepali: बक्सेन
  • Urdu: بوکسین
  • Tamil: பாக்ஸன்
  • Telugu: బాక్సెన్
  • Arabic: بوكسن
  • Chinese: 盒子 (hézi)
  • Japanese: 箱 (hako)
  • Russian: коробки (korobki)

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