
Bracing Meaning in Bengali: ব্রেসিং (noun), ব্রেসিং (verb), ব্রেসিং (adjective), ব্রেসিং (adverb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bracing (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) /ˈbreɪsɪŋ/

Bracing is a word that can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. It is derived from the verb “brace,” which means to make stronger or firmer. Bracing refers to something that invigorates, refreshes, or strengthens.

Synonyms of Bracing

1. Invigorating (প্রাণবর্ধক)
2. Refreshing (তাজগীরীকরণকারী)
3. Stimulating (উদ্দীপক)
4. Energizing (শক্তিশালী করা)
5. Revitalizing (পুনর্জীবিত করা)

Antonyms of Bracing

1. Enervating (শক্তিহীন করা)
2. Weakening (দুর্বলতা বৃদ্ধি করা)
3. Debilitating (দুর্বলতা বৃদ্ধি করা)
4. Exhausting (অতিশয় শ্রমকর)
5. Draining (শক্তি হারানো)

Origin of Bracing

The word “bracing” originated from the Middle English word “bracen,” which means to fasten or strengthen. It can be traced back to the Old French word “bracier” and the Latin word “brachium,” which means arm or forearm.

Nearby Words

1. Brace (noun) – a device used to support or strengthen
2. Bracer (noun) – a protective armguard worn by archers
3. Brachial (adjective) – relating to the arm or forearm
4. Brachiate (verb) – to swing by the arms from one hold to another
5. Brachycephalic (adjective) – having a relatively broad, short skull

Bracing in Literature Quotes

1. “The brisk, bracing air of the mountains invigorated the weary hiker.” – John Muir (পর্বতের তীব্র, তাজগীরীকরণকারী বায়ু অবশেষে ক্লান্ত হাইকারকে পুনরুদ্দীপক করেছিল।)

Bracing Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ব্রেসিং (bracing)
Hindi: ब्रेसिंग (bracing)
Nepali: ब्रेसिंग (bracing)
Urdu: بریسنگ (bracing)
Tamil: பிரேசிங் (bracing)
Telugu: బ్రేసింగ్ (bracing)
Arabic: تقويم (taqweem)
Chinese: 支撑 (zhī chēng)
Japanese: 支える (sasaeru)
Russian: укрепление (ukrepleniye)

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