brain teaser

Bengali meanings of brain teaser: মাথা খেলা, মাথা ঘুরানো, মাথা ভাঙ্গা (noun, pronounced as “ma-tha khe-la, ma-tha ghu-ra-no, ma-tha bhan-ga”)

Definition of Brain Teaser

(noun, pronounced as “breyn tee-zer”)

A brain teaser is a type of puzzle or problem that is designed to test a person’s mental abilities, such as logic, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It often requires thinking outside the box and finding creative solutions. Brain teasers can be in the form of riddles, puzzles, or mathematical problems.

Synonyms of Brain Teaser


  • Puzzle – ধাঁধা (pronounced as “dha-dha”)
  • Riddle – প্রশ্নবাক্য (pronounced as “prosh-no-bak-ya”)
  • Enigma – রহস্য (pronounced as “ro-ho-sho”)
  • Conundrum – সংশয়বাদ (pronounced as “son-shoy-bad”)

Antonyms of Brain Teaser


  • Solution – সমাধান (pronounced as “so-ma-dhan”)
  • Easy – সহজ (pronounced as “so-hoj”)
  • Straightforward – সরল (pronounced as “sho-rol”)
  • Obvious – স্পষ্ট (pronounced as “shpash-to”)

Origin of Brain Teaser

The term “brain teaser” originated in the early 20th century, combining the words “brain” and “teaser.” It refers to the challenging nature of the puzzles or problems that tease and stimulate the brain.

Nearby Words

  • Brainstorm (verb) – মনোযোগ দেওয়া
  • Brainwave (noun) – মনোযোগের আলোকচিত্র
  • Brainchild (noun) – মনোযোগের ফল
  • Brainwash (verb) – মনোযোগ পরিবর্তন করা

Brain Teaser in Literature Quotes

“The mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes (মন একবার নতুন ধারণা দ্বারা প্রসারিত হলে, তা কখনও আগের মাত্রা পুনরুদ্ধার করে না।)

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius (জীবন সত্যিই সহজ, কিন্তু আমরা এটি জটিল করতে ইচ্ছুক।)

Brain Teaser Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: মাথা খেলা
  • Hindi: मस्तिष्क चिढ़ाना
  • Nepali: मस्तिष्क चिढ़ाना
  • Urdu: دماغی پریشانی
  • Tamil: மூளை பிரச்சினை
  • Telugu: బ్రెయిన్ టీజర్
  • Arabic: لغز عقلي
  • Chinese: 脑筋急转弯
  • Japanese: 頭脳パズル
  • Russian: головоломка

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