
Bengali meanings of brainless: মূর্খ, অজ্ঞ, অবিবেকী, অবিচেতন, অবিবোধপূর্ণ (noun, adjective, adverb, verb)

Definition of brainless

(noun) The state or quality of lacking intelligence or common sense.

Brainless synonyms:

(noun) Stupidity, foolishness, idiocy, ignorance.

Brainless antonyms:

(noun) Wisdom (বিজ্ঞান), intelligence (বুদ্ধিমানতা), knowledge (জ্ঞান), sense (বুদ্ধি).

Origin of brainless

The word “brainless” originated from the combination of the word “brain” and the suffix “-less,” which means without. It first appeared in the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby words:

(noun) Brain, brainchild, brainwave

(adjective) Brainy, brained, brainish

(adverb) Brainsickly, brainward

(verb) Brainwash, brainstem

Brainless in literature quotes:

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” – Stephen Hawking (জ্ঞানের সর্বাধিক শত্রু অজ্ঞান নয়, জ্ঞানের মহাভ্রান্তি।)

“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” – William Shakespeare (একটি মূর্খ নিজেকে বুদ্ধিমান মনে করে, কিন্তু একটি বুদ্ধিমান মানুষ নিজেকে মূর্খ মনে করে।)

Brainless Meaning in different languages:

Bengali: মূর্খ (moorkh)

Hindi: मूर्ख (moorkh)

Nepali: मूर्ख (moorkh)

Urdu: بے عقل (be aqal)

Tamil: முட்டாள் (muṭṭāḷ)

Telugu: బ్రెయిన్లెస్ (brainles)

Arabic: بلا عقل (bila aql)

Chinese: 没脑子 (méi nǎozi)

Japanese: 頭の悪い (atama no warui)

Russian: безмозглый (bezmozglyy)

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