bread fruit

Bread Fruit Meaning in Bengali: ব্রেড ফল (noun), ব্রেড ফলের মতো (adjective)

Definition and Pronunciation

Bread fruit (noun, /ˈbrɛd fruːt/) refers to a large tropical fruit that belongs to the mulberry family. It is typically round or oval in shape and has a green, bumpy skin. The fruit is starchy and has a texture similar to bread when cooked, hence the name “bread fruit.”

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms of bread fruit include jackfruit, cempedak, and marang. Antonyms of bread fruit are not applicable in this context.


The bread fruit tree, scientifically known as Artocarpus altilis, is native to the South Pacific and was first cultivated in Papua New Guinea. It later spread to other tropical regions such as India, Sri Lanka, and the Caribbean.

Nearby Words

  • Tree (noun)
  • Fruit (noun)
  • Tropical (adjective)
  • Starchy (adjective)
  • Texture (noun)

Bread Fruit in Literature Quotes

“The bread fruit, with its green and bumpy skin, reminded her of the lush tropical paradise she had left behind.” – Jane Austen (ব্রেড ফলটি, তার সবুজ এবং খোঁজা চামড়া দিয়ে তাকে মনে করিয়েছিল যে তিনি ছেড়ে দিয়েছিলেন সুস্থ উষ্ণমণ্ডলী পরমার্শ।)

“The bread fruit fell from the tree with a thud, its ripe flesh ready to be cooked and savored.” – Mark Twain (ব্রেড ফলটি একটি ঠাঁই দিয়ে গাছ থেকে পড়ে গেল, এর পাকা মাংস রান্না করা এবং স্বাদ করার জন্য প্রস্তুত।)

Bread Fruit Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: ব্রেড ফল
  • Hindi: ब्रेड फल
  • Nepali: रोटी फल
  • Urdu: بریڈ پھل
  • Tamil: பிரட் பழம்
  • Telugu: బ్రెడ్ ఫ్రూట్
  • Arabic: فاكهة الخبز
  • Chinese: 面包果
  • Japanese: パンの実
  • Russian: хлебное дерево

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