
Breast-feeding Meaning in Bengali

স্তনপান (noun, *stônopôn*)

স্তনপান করা (verb, *stônopôn kôra*)

স্তনপান দেওয়া (verb, *stônopôn deowa*)

Definition of Breast-feeding

Breast-feeding is the act of feeding a baby or young child with milk directly from a woman’s breast. It is a natural and essential process that provides infants with the necessary nutrients and antibodies for their growth and development.

Breast-feeding Synonyms

1. Nursing (noun) – নার্সিং (*narsing*)

2. Suckling (noun) – স্তনপান করা (*stônopôn kôra*)

3. Lactation (noun) – স্তনপান (*stônopôn*)

Breast-feeding Antonyms

1. Bottle-feeding (noun) – বোতল পান (*botal pôn*)

2. Formula-feeding (noun) – ফর্মুলা পান (*formula pôn*)

Origin of Breast-feeding

The practice of breast-feeding has been a part of human history since the beginning of time. It is a natural instinct for mammals to nurse their young, and humans are no exception. Breast-feeding has been the primary method of feeding infants for centuries, providing them with the best possible nutrition and immune protection.

Nearby Words

1. Breast (noun) – স্তন (*stôn*)

2. Feed (verb) – খাওয়ান (*khawôa*)

3. Infant (noun) – শিশু (*shishu*)

Breast-feeding in Literature Quotes

1. “Breast-feeding is a mother’s gift to herself, her baby, and the earth.” – Pamela K. Wiggins
(স্তনপান একটি মা এবং পৃথিবীর উপহার।)

2. “Breast-feeding is a natural art of maternity.” – Ellen Sue Stern
(স্তনপান মাতৃত্বের একটি প্রাকৃতিক শিল্প।)

Breast-feeding Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: স্তনপান

Hindi: स्तनपान

Nepali: स्तनपान

Urdu: ستن پان

Tamil: மாலை பொருட்பால்

Telugu: స్తనపానం

Arabic: الرضاعة الطبيعية

Chinese: 母乳喂养

Japanese: 母乳育児

Russian: Грудное вскармливание

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