
Breezes Meaning in Bengali: ঝড়, বাতাস, বায়ু, বায়ুমণ্ডলের গতি (noun, pronunciation: breez-iz)

Definition of Breezes

A breeze refers to a gentle wind or a light current of air. It is characterized by its mildness and pleasantness. Breezes are often associated with a refreshing and soothing effect on the environment.

Synonyms of Breezes

  • Zephyr – মৃদু বায়ু (noun)
  • Gust – ঝড় (noun)
  • Air – বায়ু (noun)
  • Draught – হাওয়া (noun)
  • Blast – ধ্বংসাত্মক আঘাত (noun)

Antonyms of Breezes

  • Calm – শান্তি (noun, Bengali meaning: শান্তি)
  • Stillness – শান্তি (noun, Bengali meaning: শান্তি)
  • Stagnation – বিপথ্য (noun, Bengali meaning: বিপথ্য)
  • Dead air – মৃত বায়ু (noun, Bengali meaning: মৃত বায়ু)
  • Windless – বায়ুহীন (adjective, Bengali meaning: বায়ুহীন)

Origin of Breezes

The word “breezes” originated from the Middle English word “bresen,” which means “to blow.” It can be traced back to the Old English word “brēosan.” The term has been used in the English language since the 14th century.

Nearby Words

  • Breezeless – adjective
  • Breezeway – noun
  • Breezily – adverb
  • Breeziness – noun
  • Breezy – adjective

Breezes in Literature Quotes

“The breezes taste of apple peel.” – Emily Dickinson (Bengali meaning: “ঝড়ের স্বাদ আপেলের ছিলে”)

“The breezes blew their own freshness into me.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (Bengali meaning: “ঝড়গুলি আমার মধ্যে তাদের নিজের তাজগুলি বয়ে আনল”)

Breezes Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: ঝড়
  • Hindi: हवाओं
  • Nepali: हावाहरू
  • Urdu: ہواؤں
  • Tamil: காற்றுக்கள்
  • Telugu: గాలులు
  • Arabic: نسائم
  • Chinese: 微风
  • Japanese: そよ風
  • Russian: ветерки

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