
Bengali meanings of “breezier” include বাতাসযুক্ত (batasyukta), বাতাসপূর্ণ (bataspurna), বাতাসযুক্ত (batasyukta), বাতাসপূর্ণ (bataspurna), বাতাসযুক্ত (batasyukta), বাতাসপূর্ণ (bataspurna).

Part of Speech & Pronunciation:

Breezier is an adjective pronounced as /ˈbriːziər/.


The term “breezier” refers to something that is characterized by or having a pleasant, refreshing, or invigorating quality, often associated with a gentle wind or a cool atmosphere.


Some synonyms of “breezier” are: windier, airier, fresher, cooler, more refreshing.


Antonyms of “breezier” include অবাতাসহীন (abatashahin) meaning “still,” অবাতাসহীন (abatashahin) meaning “calm,” অবাতাসহীন (abatashahin) meaning “stagnant,” অবাতাসহীন (abatashahin) meaning “motionless.”


The word “breezier” originated from the noun “breeze” with the addition of the comparative suffix “-ier.” The noun “breeze” comes from the Old Spanish word “briza” meaning “north or northeast wind.”

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to “breezier” are: wind (noun), cool (adjective), refreshing (adjective), invigorating (adjective).

Breezier in Literature Quotes:

“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep.” – Rumi (সকালের বাতাসের কিছু গোপন রহস্য আছে তোমাকে বলতে। ঘুম থেকে ফিরে যাও না।)

“The wind shows us how close to the edge we are.” – Joan Didion (বাতাস আমাদের দেখায় যে আমরা কতটা পারের কাছে আছি।)

Breezier Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: বাতাসযুক্ত (batasyukta), Hindi: हवादार (hawadar), Nepali: हावादार (hawadar), Urdu: ہوا دار (hawadar), Tamil: காற்றுப்பட்ட (kaṟṟuppaṭṭa), Telugu: గాలియాన్ని (gāliyānni), Arabic: أكثر نسيم (akthar naseem), Chinese: 更多微風 (gèng duō wēi fēng), Japanese: より風通しの良い (yori kazamichi no yoi), Russian: более ветреный (bolee vetrenyy).

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