
Bribery Meaning in Bengali: ঘুষ, প্রতারণা, মুচকানি (noun, pronunciation: bri-buh-ree)

Definition of Bribery

Bribery refers to the act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value with the intention to influence the actions or decisions of an individual in a position of power or authority. It is an illegal practice that undermines the principles of fairness, honesty, and integrity.

Synonyms of Bribery

1. Corruption (দুর্নীতি, noun)
2. Subornation (প্রতারণা, noun)
3. Grease (গ্রিজ, noun)
4. Payoff (পেশাদারি, noun)
5. Kickback (পেশাদারি, noun)

Antonyms of Bribery

1. Honesty (সত্যবাদ, noun)
2. Integrity (অখণ্ডতা, noun)
3. Morality (নৈতিকতা, noun)
4. Probity (সাধারণ চরিত্র, noun)
5. Rectitude (সত্যনিষ্ঠা, noun)

Origin of Bribery

The word “bribery” originated from the Middle English word “briben,” which means to rob or steal. It evolved from the Old French word “briber,” meaning to beg or borrow. The concept of bribery has been present in various societies throughout history, as individuals have sought to gain advantages through illicit means.

Nearby Words

1. Bribe (noun) – ঘুষ
2. Briber (noun) – ঘুষদানকারী
3. Bribe-giver (noun) – ঘুষদানকারী
4. Bribe-taker (noun) – ঘুষগ্রহীতা
5. Bribe money (noun) – ঘুষের টাকা

Bribery in Literature Quotes

1. “Bribery is a crime that rots the roots of justice.” – William E. Gladstone (ঘুষ একটি অপরাধ যা ন্যাযের মূলগুলি কেঁচে কেঁচে খেয়ে ফেলে।)
2. “Bribery is the enemy of trust and fairness.” – Barack Obama (ঘুষ বিশ্বাস এবং ন্যায়ের শত্রু।)

Bribery Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ঘুষ
Hindi: घूस
Nepali: घूस
Urdu: رشوت
Tamil: போருக்கால்
Telugu: రిశ్వత
Arabic: رشوة
Chinese: 贿赂
Japanese: 賄賂
Russian: взяточничество

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