
Bribetaker Meaning in Bengali: বৃত্তিগ্রহী (vritti-grahi), ঘুষক (ghushak), ঘুষকগ্রহী (ghushak-grahi)

Part of Speech: Noun (বিশেষ্য) (pronunciation: brahyb-tey-ker)

Definition: A bribetaker refers to a person who accepts or receives bribes, typically in exchange for using their influence or power to provide favors or advantages to someone.

Synonyms of Bribetaker:

  • Corrupt (দুর্নীতিমান)
  • Grafter (ঘুষক)
  • Extortionist (উদ্যোগপূর্ণ)
  • Swindler (প্রতারক)

Antonyms of Bribetaker:

  • Honest (সত্‌)
  • Integrity (অখণ্ডতা)
  • Upright (সৎ)
  • Principled (সিদ্ধান্তবান)

Bengali meanings of antonyms: সত্‌ (sat), অখণ্ডতা (okhondota), সৎ (sat), সিদ্ধান্তবান (siddhantoban)

Origin of Bribetaker:

The term “bribetaker” originated from the combination of the words “bribe” and “taker.” The word “bribe” comes from the Middle English word “briben,” meaning to rob or steal, which further traces its roots back to the Old French word “briber,” meaning to beg. The word “taker” refers to someone who receives or accepts something. Together, they form the noun “bribetaker.”

Nearby Words:

  • Bribery (Noun)
  • Bribe (Noun)
  • Bribe (Verb)
  • Briber (Noun)
  • Bribable (Adjective)

Bribetaker in Literature Quotes:

“A bribetaker is like a thief who steals not only from the person who offers the bribe but also from the entire society.” – Rabindranath Tagore (রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর)

Bengali meaning: “একজন ঘুষক একটি চুরি করে, যা শুধুমাত্র ঘুষ প্রদানকারী ব্যক্তিকের নয়, বরং সমস্ত সমাজকেও চুরি করে।”

Bribetaker Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: বৃত্তিগ্রহী
  • Hindi: घूसखोर
  • Nepali: घूसखोर
  • Urdu: رشوت خور
  • Tamil: பொருள்கேட்டாள்
  • Telugu: రిశ్వతం తీసుకోవడం
  • Arabic: متقاضي الرشوة
  • Chinese: 受贿者
  • Japanese: 賄賂を受ける人
  • Russian: взяточник

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