
Bribing Meaning in Bengali: ঘুষ দেওয়া (noun, ghush deowa)

Definition of Bribing

Bribing is the act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value with the intention to influence the actions or decisions of an individual in a position of power or authority. It is a form of corruption that undermines the fairness and integrity of systems, institutions, and individuals involved.

Synonyms of Bribing

1. Corruption (noun, দুর্নীতি, durniti)
2. Payoff (noun, প্রদান, pradan)
3. Grease (noun, গ্রিজ, griz)
4. Kickback (noun, কিকব্যাক, kickback)
5. Hush money (noun, চুপ করার টাকা, chup korar taka)

Antonyms of Bribing

1. Honesty (noun, সত্যবাদ, satyabad)
2. Integrity (noun, অখণ্ডতা, akhanda)
3. Morality (noun, নৈতিকতা, naitikota)
4. Righteousness (noun, ধর্মপ্রাণিতা, dharma-pranita)
5. Probity (noun, সাধারণ চরিত্র, sadharon charitra)

Origin of Bribing

The origin of the word “bribing” can be traced back to the Middle English word “bribe,” which means “something given or promised to a person to influence dishonestly.” It entered the English language in the 14th century from the Old French word “briber,” meaning “to beg” or “to extort.”

Nearby Words

1. Bribe (noun, verb, ঘুষ, ghush)
2. Briber (noun, ঘুষখোর, ghushkhor)
3. Bribery (noun, ঘুষদান, ghushdan)
4. Bribe-taker (noun, ঘুষধারী, ghushdhari)
5. Bribe-giver (noun, ঘুষদানকারী, ghushdan-kari)

Bribing in Literature Quotes

1. “A bribe is a charm to the one who gives it; wherever he turns, he succeeds.” – Proverbs 17:8 (একটি ঘুষ যে তা দেয় তার জন্য এটি একটি আকর্ষণ; যেখানেই তিনি তাকে ফিরিয়ে যান, তিনি সাফল্য অর্জন করেন।)

2. “Bribery is against the law, and everyone knows it’s wrong.” – Joe Biden (ঘুষ দেওয়া আইনের বিরুদ্ধে এবং সবাই জানে যে এটি ভুল।)

Bribing Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ঘুষ দেওয়া
Hindi: रिश्वत देना
Nepali: घूस दिनु
Urdu: رشوت دینا
Tamil: பணம் பெருப்பதற்கான வழிமுறை
Telugu: రిశ్వత ఇవ్వడం
Arabic: رشوة
Chinese: 行贿
Japanese: 賄賂
Russian: взяточничество

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