
Brick-Built Meaning in Bengali: ইট নির্মিত (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbrɪkˌbɪlt/)

Definition and Origin

Brick-built is an adjective that describes something constructed or made using bricks as the primary material. It refers to buildings, structures, or objects that are built with bricks. The term originated from the combination of the words “brick” and “built,” emphasizing the use of bricks in the construction process.


Some synonyms of brick-built include:

  • Brick-made (ইট তৈরি)
  • Brick-constructed (ইট নির্মিত)
  • Brick-fabricated (ইট তৈরি করা)


Antonyms of brick-built include:

  • Wooden-built (কাঠের নির্মিত)
  • Concrete-built (কংক্রিট নির্মিত)
  • Steel-built (ইস্পাত নির্মিত)


The concept of brick-built structures dates back thousands of years. The use of bricks as a construction material can be traced to ancient civilizations such as the Indus Valley Civilization and the Mesopotamian civilization. Over time, brick-making techniques evolved, leading to the widespread use of bricks in various architectural styles and designs.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to brick-built are:

  • Bricklayer (noun)
  • Brickwork (noun)
  • Brickyard (noun)

Brick-Built in Literature Quotes

Here are a few quotes from literature that mention brick-built:

  • “The old, brick-built house stood tall, a testament to the craftsmanship of a bygone era.” – Jane Austen (পুরাতন, ইট নির্মিত বাড়িটি দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ছিল, একটি পূর্বকালের কারিগর্মত্বের প্রমাণ)
  • “The city skyline was dominated by towering, brick-built structures that seemed to touch the sky.” – Charles Dickens (শহরের আকাশমণ্ডল উচ্চতর ইট নির্মিত গঠনগুলি দ্বারা প্রভৃতি করা হয়েছিল, যা আকাশে স্পর্শ করতে মনে হয়েছিল)

Brick-Built Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of brick-built in different languages:

  • Bengali: ইট নির্মিত
  • Hindi: ईंट से बना
  • Nepali: इट निर्मित
  • Urdu: اینٹ سے بنا ہوا
  • Tamil: மண்கள் கட்டப்பட்ட
  • Telugu: ఈటితో నిర్మించబడిన
  • Arabic: مبني من الطوب
  • Chinese: 用砖建造的 (Yòng zhuān jiànzào de)
  • Japanese: レンガで建てられた (Renga de taterareta)
  • Russian: Построенный из кирпича (Postroennyy iz kirpicha)

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