
Brier Meaning in Bengali: কাঁটালি, কাঁটালির গাছ, কাঁটালির জাতের গাছ, কাঁটালির গাছের গাছ (noun, pronunciation: brahy-er)

Definition of Brier

Brier is a noun that refers to a thorny shrub or a pipe made from the root of this shrub. It is also used to describe a persistent annoyance or difficulty.

Synonyms of Brier

Some synonyms of brier include thorn, bramble, prickly bush, and burr.

Antonyms of Brier

Antonyms of brier include smooth, soft, gentle, and velvety. (মসৃণ, নরম, মৃদু, মলয়মান)

Origin of Brier

The word brier originated from the Middle English word briar, which came from the Old French word briarre. It ultimately traces back to the Latin word brucus, meaning “heather.”

Nearby Words

  • Thorn (noun)
  • Bramble (noun)
  • Prickly (adjective)
  • Bush (noun)
  • Burr (noun)

Brier in Literature Quotes

“And there the thorny brier had tangled itself with the roses month after month, and had become the type of his life.” – Oscar Wilde (এবং সেখানে কাঁটালি গাছটি মাস পর মাস গোলাপের সাথে জড়িয়ে পড়েছিল এবং তা তার জীবনের প্রতীক হয়ে উঠেছিল। – অস্কার উইল্ড)

“The brier is a thorny shrub that can be found in many gardens.” – Jane Austen (কাঁটালি একটি কাঁটালি গাছ যা অনেক বাগানে পাওয়া যায়। – জেন অস্টিন)

Brier Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: কাঁটালি
  • Hindi: कांटेदार
  • Nepali: काँटेदार
  • Urdu: کانٹے دار
  • Tamil: காட்டுமரம்
  • Telugu: కాంటికలు
  • Arabic: الشوك
  • Chinese: 荆棘
  • Japanese: 茨
  • Russian: шиповник

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