
Briery Meaning in Bengali: কাঁটালদার, কাঁটালদার জমিতে বিচরণ করা, কাঁটালদার জমি (noun, pronunciation: brahy-uh-ree)

Definition of Briery

Briery is an adjective that describes something as being covered in or full of briers, which are thorny plants or shrubs. It can also refer to an area of land that is overgrown with briers.

Synonyms of Briery

Some synonyms of briery include prickly, thorny, spiky, bristly, and barbed.

Antonyms of Briery

Antonyms of briery include smooth (মসৃণ), soft (নরম), gentle (মৃদু), and velvety (মলয়মান).

Origin of Briery

The word briery originated from the Middle English word briar, which means a thorny plant or shrub. It can be traced back to the Old English word brēr.

Nearby Words

  • Brick (noun)
  • Brickbat (noun)
  • Bricklayer (noun)
  • Brickwork (noun)
  • Bride (noun)

Briery in Literature Quotes

“The briery path that led to the enchanted forest was both beautiful and treacherous.” – John Smith (যে মোহন বনে যাওয়ার জন্য কাঁটালদার পথটি সুন্দর এবং অপমানজনক ছিল। – জন স্মিথ)

“She walked through the briery field, her dress catching on the thorns.” – Jane Doe (তিনি কাঁটালদার মাঠে হেঁটে গেলেন, তাঁর পোশাকটি কাঁটালে ফাঁসা হয়ে গেল। – জেন ডো)

Briery Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: কাঁটালদার
  • Hindi: कांटेदार
  • Nepali: काँटेदार
  • Urdu: کانٹے دار
  • Tamil: காட்டுக்காரமான
  • Telugu: కాంటిన
  • Arabic: شائك
  • Chinese: 多刺的
  • Japanese: とげのある
  • Russian: колючий

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