
Brilliance Meaning in Bengali: প্রতিভা, উজ্জ্বলতা, প্রকাশমানতা (noun, /ˈbrɪljəns/)

Definition of Brilliance

Brilliance refers to the quality or state of being exceptionally intelligent, talented, or outstanding in a particular field. It is often associated with exceptional brightness, radiance, or vividness.

Synonyms of Brilliance

1. Excellence – উত্কৃষ্টতা (noun)
2. Genius – প্রতিভা (noun)
3. Radiance – প্রকাশমানতা (noun)
4. Splendor – প্রভা (noun)

Antonyms of Brilliance

1. Mediocrity – সাধারণতা (noun)
2. Dullness – নিস্তেজতা (noun)
3. Stupidity – মূর্খতা (noun)
4. Ignorance – অজ্ঞান (noun)

Origin of Brilliance

The word “brilliance” originated from the Latin word “brillare,” which means “to shine.” It entered the English language in the 17th century.

Nearby Words

1. Brilliant – adjective
2. Brilliantly – adverb
3. Brill – noun
4. Brilliance – noun

Brilliance in Literature Quotes

1. “Genius is the gold in the mine; talent is the miner who works and brings it out.” – Marguerite Blessington (প্রতিভা খানকি একটি সোনা; প্রতিভাশীল কর্মী তা খনি করে বের করে আনে।)
2. “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” – Albert Einstein (বুদ্ধিমানের সঠিক চিহ্ন জ্ঞান নয়, বরং কল্পনা।)

Brilliance Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: প্রতিভা, Hindi: प्रतिभा, Nepali: प्रतिभा, Urdu: پرتباق, Tamil: பிரகாசம், Telugu: ప్రతిభ, Arabic: براعة, Chinese: 卓越, Japanese: 卓越, Russian: блеск

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