bring to

Bring to Meaning in Bengali: আনা (verb), আনা বা নিয়ে আসা (verb), আনা বা নিয়ে আসানো (verb), আনা বা নিয়ে আসানো করা (verb)

Definition of Bring to:

(verb, bring to, /brɪŋ tuː/)

1. To cause someone to regain consciousness after being unconscious or in a state of shock.

2. To restore someone’s attention or focus.

3. To make someone face or confront a difficult or unpleasant situation.

Synonyms of Bring to:

1. Revive (পুনরুদ্ধার করা)

2. Awaken (জাগ্রত করা)

3. Rouse (জাগানো)

4. Stir (উদ্বেগ দেত্তয়া)

5. Reanimate (পুনর্জীবিত করা)

Antonyms of Bring to:

1. Knock out (প্রতিহত করা)

2. Unconscious (অচেতন)

3. Stun (মুগ্ধ করা)

4. Paralyze (পঙ্গু করা)

5. Numb (অবচেতন করা)

Origin of Bring to:

The phrase “bring to” originated from the combination of the verb “bring” and the preposition “to.” The word “bring” comes from the Old English word “bringan,” which means “to carry, convey, or cause to come.” The preposition “to” indicates the direction or destination of the action. Together, they form the meaning of bringing someone or something to a particular state or condition.

Nearby Words:

1. Bring (verb)

2. Bring about (phrasal verb)

3. Bring along (phrasal verb)

4. Bring back (phrasal verb)

5. Bring down (phrasal verb)

Bring to in Literature Quotes:

1. “The sound of her voice brought him to his senses.” – Jane Austen (তার কণ্ঠের শব্দ তাকে সতর্ক করে তুললো।)

2. “The shocking news brought him to his knees.” – Ernest Hemingway (আশ্চর্যজনক খবর তাকে হাঁটুকুপুরে নিয়ে এলো।)

3. “The unexpected turn of events brought her to tears.” – Harper Lee (ঘটনার অপ্রত্যাশিত পরিবর্তন তাকে কান্নায় লেগেছিল।)

Bring to Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: আনা

Hindi: लाना

Nepali: ल्याउनु

Urdu: لانا

Tamil: கொண்டு வா

Telugu: తీసుకోవడం

Arabic: جلب إلى

Chinese: 带到

Japanese: 持ってくる

Russian: привести к
