bring to bay

Bring to Bay Meaning in Bengali: বাংলা অর্থ হলো বায়ে আনা (verb, pronunciation: bring to bay)

Definition of Bring to Bay

Part of speech: verb (transitive)

Pronunciation: bring to bay

Definition: To corner or trap someone or something, especially an animal, making it unable to escape.

Synonyms of Bring to Bay

  • Corner (কোণে আনা)
  • Trap (ফাঁদে আনা)
  • Enclose (ঘেরে আনা)
  • Surround (ঘিরে আনা)

Antonyms of Bring to Bay

  • Release (মুক্ত করা)
  • Free (মুক্ত করা)
  • Let go (ছেড়ে দেওয়া)
  • Set free (মুক্ত করা)

Origin of Bring to Bay

The phrase “bring to bay” originated from hunting terminology, where it referred to the act of pursuing and cornering a hunted animal, usually a deer or a boar, until it had no escape route left. Over time, the phrase has been adopted into general usage to describe the act of trapping or cornering someone or something.

Nearby Words

  • Bring (verb)
  • Bay (noun)
  • Corner (noun)
  • Trap (noun)

Bring to Bay in Literature Quotes

“The hounds chased the fox through the forest, finally bringing it to bay.” – John Smith (শিকার কর্মীরা মাটিতে শিকার করে শেষবারে তা আনতে পেরেছিল।)

“The detective relentlessly pursued the criminal, determined to bring him to bay.” – Jane Doe (জাসুস অবিরামভাবে অপরাধীকে অনুসরণ করছিলেন, তাকে বায়ে আনতে নিশ্চিত হয়ে।)

Bring to Bay Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বায়ে আনা
  • Hindi: बया लाना
  • Nepali: बया ल्याउनु
  • Urdu: بے لانا
  • Tamil: பாய்க்கும் வழியில் கொண்டு வருத்து
  • Telugu: బే తీసుకోవడం
  • Arabic: جلب إلى الخليج
  • Chinese: 把某人逼到绝境
  • Japanese: ベイに連れてくる
  • Russian: привести к бухте

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