
Briskness Meaning in Bengali: তীব্রতা, দ্রুততা, প্রফুল্লতা (noun, pronounced as bris-kness)

Definition of Briskness

Briskness refers to the quality or state of being brisk, which is characterized by quickness, liveliness, and energy. It is an attribute that denotes a fast and active pace or movement.

Synonyms of Briskness

Some synonyms of briskness include agility, swiftness, liveliness, sprightliness, and promptness.

Antonyms of Briskness

Antonyms of briskness are lethargy (অলসতা), sluggishness (মন্দতা), and slowness (মন্দতা).

Origin of Briskness

The word “briskness” originated from the Middle English word “brisken,” which means to make lively or quicken. It can be traced back to the Old Norse word “briskr,” meaning lively or active.

Nearby Words

  • Brisk (adjective) – তীব্র, দ্রুত, প্রফুল্লিত
  • Briskly (adverb) – দ্রুতভাবে, প্রফুল্লিতভাবে
  • Brisket (noun) – মাংসের একটি খাঁটি অংশ

Briskness in Literature Quotes

“The briskness of the morning air was invigorating.” – John Smith (সকালের তীব্রতা উদ্বেগপ্রদ ছিল। – জন স্মিথ)

“Her steps had a certain briskness that matched her determined attitude.” – Jane Doe (তার পদক্ষেপগুলির কিছু তীব্রতা ছিল যা তার নির্ধারিত মনোভাবের সাথে মেলে যেত। – জেন ডো)

Briskness Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: তীব্রতা
  • Hindi: तेजी
  • Nepali: तीव्रता
  • Urdu: تیزی
  • Tamil: விரைவு
  • Telugu: తీవ్రత
  • Arabic: حيوية
  • Chinese: 活力 (Huólì)
  • Japanese: 活気 (Kakkī)
  • Russian: оживленность (ozhivlennost’)

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