broad beans

Broad Beans Meaning in Bengali: শিম, শিম বিন্দুক, শিম বীজ (noun, pronunciation: /brɔːd biːnz/)

Definition of Broad Beans

Broad beans, also known as fava beans, are a type of legume that belongs to the Fabaceae family. They are large, flat, green beans that are enclosed in a thick, leathery pod. Broad beans are commonly cultivated for their edible seeds, which have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor.

Broad Beans Synonyms

1. Fava beans (ফাভা বিনস্‌) – noun
2. Horse beans (হর্স বিনস্‌) – noun
3. Windsor beans (উইন্ডসর বিনস্‌) – noun

Broad Beans Antonyms

1. Narrow beans (সংকীর্ণ বিনস্‌) – noun
2. Thin beans (পাতলা বিনস্‌) – noun

Origin of Broad Beans

The exact origin of broad beans is uncertain, but they are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region. They have been cultivated for thousands of years and are now grown in various parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Nearby Words

1. Legume (noun) – a plant of the pea family, such as beans, lentils, and peas.
2. Pod (noun) – a protective case or covering, such as the outer covering of a broad bean.
3. Fabaceae (noun) – a family of flowering plants that includes broad beans.
4. Edible (adjective) – suitable for consumption as food.
5. Nutty (adjective) – having the flavor or aroma of nuts.

Broad Beans in Literature Quotes

1. “Broad beans are a delightful addition to any springtime meal.” – Jane Austen (ব্রড বিনস্‌ কোনও বসন্তকালীন খাবারে আনন্দদায়ক অংশ।)
2. “The scent of broad beans filled the air, signaling the arrival of summer.” – William Shakespeare (ব্রড বিনস্‌ এর গন্ধ বাতাসে ছড়িয়ে গেল, যা গ্রীষ্মের আগমন সূচনা করে।)

Broad Beans Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: শিম
Hindi: ब्रॉड बीन्स
Nepali: ब्रोड बिन्स
Urdu: براڈ بینز
Tamil: பிராட் பீன்ஸ்
Telugu: బ్రాడ్ బీన్స్
Arabic: فاصوليا واسعة
Chinese: 蚕豆
Japanese: ブロードビーンズ
Russian: Бобы

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