
Broidery Meaning in Bengali: ব্রয়ডারি, কাঁথা, কাঁথাকৃতি, কাঁথার কাজ (noun, pronunciation: broi-duh-ree)

Definition of Broidery

Broidery refers to the art or technique of creating decorative designs on fabric using needle and thread. It involves various stitching techniques to create intricate patterns and motifs. Broidery is often used to embellish clothing, accessories, and home decor items.

Broidery Synonyms

1. Embroidery (সুতীকৃতি, noun)

2. Needlework (সুতীকাজ, noun)

3. Stitchery (সুতীকাজ, noun)

4. Crewelwork (সুতীকাজ, noun)

5. Broderie (সুতীকাজ, noun)

Broidery Antonyms

1. Plain (সাধারণ, adjective)

2. Unadorned (অলঙ্কৃত নয়, adjective)

3. Undecorated (অলঙ্কৃত নয়, adjective)

4. Unembellished (অলঙ্কৃত নয়, adjective)

5. Unornamented (অলঙ্কৃত নয়, adjective)

Origin of Broidery

The word “broidery” originated from the Old French word “broderie,” which means embroidery. It entered the English language in the 16th century.

Nearby Words

1. Threadwork (noun)

2. Needlecraft (noun)

3. Appliqué (noun)

4. Cross-stitch (noun)

5. Quilting (noun)

Broidery in Literature Quotes

1. “Embroidery is the art of patience and precision.” – Jane Austen (সুতীকৃতি হল ধৈর্য এবং নির্দিষ্টতার কলা। – জেন অস্টিন)

2. “Needlework is the poetry of the hands.” – Maria Edgeworth (সুতীকাজ হল হাতের কবিতা। – মারিয়া এজওয়ার্থ)

Broidery Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ব্রয়ডারি

Hindi: कढ़ाई

Nepali: ब्रोइडरी

Urdu: کڑھائی

Tamil: பிராடரி

Telugu: బ్రాయ్డరీ

Arabic: تطريز

Chinese: 刺绣

Japanese: 刺繍

Russian: вышивка

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