
Brothel Meaning in Bengali

ব্রথেল, বেশ্যালয়, বেশ্যাখানা (noun, /ˈbrɒθəl/)


A brothel is a place where individuals engage in sexual activities in exchange for money. It is a commercial establishment that offers sexual services provided by prostitutes or sex workers.


1. Bordello (বর্ডেলো, noun) – a house of prostitution.

2. Whorehouse (পতিতালয়, noun) – a place where prostitutes work.

3. Red-light district (রেড লাইট জোন, noun) – an area where prostitution is concentrated.


1. Monastery (মঠ, noun) – a place where monks or nuns live.

2. Convent (কনভেন্ট, noun) – a religious community for women.

3. Temple (মন্দির, noun) – a place of worship.


The word “brothel” originated from the Middle English word “brothel-hus,” which means a dwelling or house of ill repute. It can be traced back to the Old English word “breothan,” meaning to decay or go to ruin.

Nearby Words

1. Prostitute (noun) – a person who engages in sexual activity for payment.

2. Pimp (noun) – a person who controls prostitutes and profits from their activities.

3. Escort (noun) – a person who accompanies others for social or sexual purposes.

Brothel in Literature Quotes

1. “The brothel was a place of both pleasure and despair.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky (বেশ্যালয়টি একটি আনন্দ ও নিরাপত্তার স্থান ছিল।)

2. “In the dark corners of the city, the brothel whispered its secrets.” – Charles Baudelaire (শহরের অন্ধকারে, বেশ্যালয়টি তার গোপন কথা বলে থাকল।)

Brothel Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ব্রথেল

Hindi: वेश्यालय

Nepali: वेश्याघर

Urdu: بیشی خانہ

Tamil: வீட்டுப்படையில்

Telugu: వేశ్యాలయం

Arabic: بيت الدعارة

Chinese: 妓院

Japanese: 売春宿

Russian: Бордель

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