
Browned Meaning in Bengali: বাদামি, বাদামি রঙে পরিণত, বাদামি করা (noun, verb, adjective, respectively)

Definition and Part of Speech

Browned (adjective, pronounced as braund) refers to the state or process of turning brown or becoming brownish in color. It can also be used as a noun or a verb.

Synonyms of Browned

Some synonyms of browned are:

  • Tanned (ধূসর)
  • Brunetted (বাদামি করা)
  • Burnt (পুরানো)
  • Darkened (অন্ধকারময়)

Antonyms of Browned

Some antonyms of browned are:

  • Whitened (সাদা করা)
  • Blanched (সাদা করা)
  • Lightened (হালকা করা)
  • Pale (ফেড়া)

Origin of Browned

The word browned originated from the Middle English word brounen, which means “to become brown.” It is derived from the Old English word brūnian.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to browned are:

  • Brownish (adjective)
  • Brownness (noun)
  • Brownie (noun)
  • Brownout (noun)

Browned in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word browned:

“The leaves of the trees were browned by the autumn sun.” – John Smith (গাছের পাতাগুলি শরৎকালের সূর্যের কারণে বাদামি হয়ে গেছিল।)

“Her hair was beautifully browned, shining in the sunlight.” – Jane Doe (তার চুলগুলি সূর্যের আলোয় সুন্দরভাবে বাদামি হয়েছিল।)

Browned Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of browned in different languages is as follows:

  • Bengali: বাদামি
  • Hindi: भूरा हो गया
  • Nepali: खैरो भयो
  • Urdu: براؤن ہوگیا
  • Tamil: பிளவுன்ட்
  • Telugu: బ్రౌన్ అయింది
  • Arabic: تحول إلى اللون البني
  • Chinese: 变成褐色
  • Japanese: 茶色になった
  • Russian: покрылся коричневым

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