
Buffalo Meaning in Bengali: মহিষ (noun), মহিষের মাংস (noun), মহিষের দুধ (noun), মহিষের চামড়া (noun)

Part of Speech & Pronunciation: noun, /ˈbʌfəloʊ/

Definition of Buffalo

A buffalo is a large, powerful, and heavily built animal that belongs to the Bovidae family. It is known for its distinctive horns, humped back, and shaggy coat. Buffaloes are herbivorous mammals and are commonly found in various parts of the world.

Buffalo Synonyms

  • Ox – গরু (noun)
  • Bison – বাইসন (noun)
  • Cow – গাভী (noun)
  • Cattle – গবাদি (noun)

Buffalo Antonyms

  • Lion – সিংহ (noun)
  • Tiger – বাঘ (noun)
  • Leopard – চিতাবাঘ (noun)
  • Cheetah – চিতা (noun)

Origin of Buffalo

The word “buffalo” originated from the Portuguese word “bufalo,” which was derived from the Latin word “bubalus.” The term was later adopted into English and has been used to refer to the animal since the 16th century.

Nearby Words

  • Buffaloed – adjective
  • Buffaloing – noun
  • Buffaloed – verb
  • Buffaloing – adjective

Buffalo in Literature Quotes

“The buffalo is an animal of strength and power, symbolizing the untamed wilderness.” – John Muir (মহিষ শক্তি এবং শক্তিশালী একটি প্রাণী, অদম্য জঙ্গল প্রতীক।)

“The buffalo is a sacred creature, revered by many Native American tribes.” – Chief Seattle (মহিষ একটি পবিত্র প্রাণী, অনেক নেটিভ আমেরিকান জাতিদের পূজ্য বলে মনে করা হয়।)

Buffalo Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: মহিষ
  • Hindi: भैंस
  • Nepali: भैंस
  • Urdu: بھینس
  • Tamil: மாடு
  • Telugu: ఎరుక
  • Arabic: جاموس
  • Chinese: 水牛
  • Japanese: バッファロー
  • Russian: буйвол

For more information about buffaloes, you can visit wikipedia.org, dictionary.com, or thefreedictionary.com.