
Buffaloes Meaning in Bengali: মহিষ, ভাইস, গাভী, গাভীদের প্রজাতি (noun, mohish, bhaish, gabi, gabider projati)

Definition of Buffaloes

(noun, plural) Buffaloes are large, powerful, and domesticated animals that belong to the Bovidae family. They are known for their massive size, curved horns, and strong build. Buffaloes are commonly used for agricultural purposes, such as plowing fields and pulling carts. They are also a source of milk, meat, and leather.

Synonyms of Buffaloes

(noun) Synonyms of buffaloes include bison, oxen, cattle, cows, and yaks.

Antonyms of Buffaloes

(noun) Antonyms of buffaloes include goats (ছাগল), sheep (মেষ), and deer (হরিণ).

Origin of Buffaloes

The term “buffaloes” originated from the Portuguese word “bufalo,” which was derived from the Latin word “bubalus.” The domestication of buffaloes dates back thousands of years, with evidence of their presence in ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Nearby Words

  • Cattle (noun) – গবাদি
  • Bovine (adjective) – গবাদি
  • Herbivore (noun) – শাকাহারী প্রাণী
  • Mammal (noun) – স্তনধারী প্রাণী
  • Domestication (noun) – পালন

Buffaloes in Literature Quotes

“The buffalo is an animal of strength, power, and resilience.” – John Muir (মহিষটি শক্তি, শক্তিশালী এবং সহনশীলতার একটি প্রাণী।)

“The buffalo represents the wild spirit of the American West.” – Larry McMurtry (মহিষটি আমেরিকান পশ্চিমের বন্য আত্মার প্রতীক।)

Buffaloes Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: মহিষ
  • Hindi: भैंस
  • Nepali: भैंस
  • Urdu: بھینس
  • Tamil: மாடுகள்
  • Telugu: ఎరుకులు
  • Arabic: الجاموس
  • Chinese: 水牛
  • Japanese: バッファロー
  • Russian: буйволы

For more information about buffaloes, you can visit wikipedia.org, dictionary.com, or thefreedictionary.com.