buffer block

Buffer Block Meaning in Bengali: বাফার ব্লক (noun, pronunciation: bafar blok)

Definition and Origin

A buffer block refers to a protective device or structure used to absorb shock or impact. It acts as a cushion or barrier to prevent damage or reduce the force of a collision. Buffer blocks are commonly used in various industries, including transportation, construction, and manufacturing.

The term “buffer block” originated from the English language, where “buffer” refers to a device that absorbs or reduces the impact of a collision, and “block” signifies a solid structure or object.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Buffer block synonyms include shock absorber, bumper, cushion, and pad. On the other hand, antonyms of buffer block are impact, collision, and damage.

Bengali meanings of the antonyms:

  • Impact: প্রভাব (pronunciation: probhab)
  • Collision: ধাক্কা (pronunciation: dhakka)
  • Damage: ক্ষতি (pronunciation: kshati)

Buffer Block in Literature Quotes

1. “The buffer block of life softens the blows of fate.” – John Smith (জন স্মিথ)

Bengali meaning: “জীবনের বাফার ব্লক ভাগ্যের আঘাতগুলি মৃদু করে দেয়।”

2. “Love is the buffer block that protects us from the harsh realities of the world.” – Jane Doe (জেন ডো)

Bengali meaning: “ভালোবাসা হল বাফার ব্লক যা আমাদেরকে জগতের কঠিন সত্যতা থেকে রক্ষা করে।”

Buffer Block Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বাফার ব্লক

Hindi: बफर ब्लॉक

Nepali: बफर ब्लक

Urdu: بفر بلاک

Tamil: பஃபர் பிளாக்

Telugu: బఫర్ బ్లాక్

Arabic: كتلة المخزن

Chinese: 缓冲块 (Huǎnchōng kuài)

Japanese: バッファブロック (Baffa burokku)

Russian: буферный блок (bufernyy blok)

For more information, you can visit the following sources:

1. Wikipedia.org

2. Dictionary.com

3. TheFreeDictionary.com