
Bug Meaning in Bengali: বাগ, কীট, পোকা, পতঙ্গ, পক্ষী (noun)

Definition of Bug

(noun, /bʌɡ/)

A bug is a small insect or an arthropod that belongs to the order Hemiptera. It typically has a pair of wings and a beak-like mouthpart used for piercing and sucking. Bugs are known for their ability to produce a characteristic sound by rubbing their wings or legs together. In a broader sense, bug is also used to refer to any small creature that is considered annoying or harmful.

Bug Synonyms


  • Insect – পতঙ্গ (pôtông)
  • Pest – কীট (kīṭa)
  • Vermin – পোকা (pôkā)
  • Creature – প্রাণী (prāṇī)
  • Critter – প্রাণী (prāṇī)

Bug Antonyms


  • Beneficial – উপকারী (upakārī)
  • Friend – বন্ধু (bandhu)
  • Ally – সহযোগী (sahayōgī)
  • Protector – রক্ষক (rakṣaka)
  • Guardian – অভিভাবক (abhivhābaka)

Origin of Bug


The word “bug” originated from the Middle English word “bugge,” which means a ghost or an evil spirit. It later evolved to refer to any small creature that caused annoyance or fear. The term was first used to describe insects in the 17th century.

Nearby Words

  • Bugbear – (noun) – ভীতিজনক ব্যক্তি (bhītijanaka byakti)
  • Bugle – (noun) – বুগিল (bugila)
  • Buggy – (noun) – বাগি (bāgi)
  • Bugler – (noun) – বুগিল বাজানোকারী (bugila bājānōkārī)
  • Bugaboo – (noun) – ভীতিজনক ব্যক্তি (bhītijanaka byakti)

Bug in Literature Quotes

“The love bug bit me hard, and I never want to be cured.” – Maya Angelou (আমার ভালোবাসা পোকা আমার কঠিনভাবে আঘাত করেছে, এবং আমি কখনও সুস্থ হতে চাই না।)

“A book is a bug’s eye view of the world.” – E. O. Wilson (একটি বই হল পোকার চোখে দেখা বিশ্বের দৃষ্টিকোণ।)

Bug Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বাগ (bāg)
  • Hindi: कीट (kīṭ)
  • Nepali: किरा (kirā)
  • Urdu: کیڑا (kīṛā)
  • Tamil: பூச்சி (pūcci)
  • Telugu: పొక (poka)
  • Arabic: حشرة (hashara)
  • Chinese: 虫子 (chóngzi)
  • Japanese: 虫 (mushi)
  • Russian: насекомое (nasekomoje)

For more information about bugs, you can visit wikipedia.org, dictionary.com, or thefreedictionary.com.