bugger off

Bugger Off Meaning in Bengali: চলে যাও (Verb, chole jao), চলে যাও এখান থেকে (Verb, chole jao ekhan theke), চলে যাও এখান থেকে আমার দেখা দেওয়া নিয়ে (Verb, chole jao ekhan theke amar dekha deoya niye)

Definition of Bugger Off

(Verb, buhg-er awf)

The phrase “bugger off” is a colloquial expression used to tell someone to leave or go away in a rude or dismissive manner. It is often used to express annoyance, frustration, or a desire for someone to leave immediately.

Synonyms of Bugger Off

1. Go away (চলে যাও, Verb)
2. Leave (ছেড়ে যাও, Verb)
3. Get lost (হারিয়ে যাও, Verb)
4. Beat it (চলে যাও, Verb)

Antonyms of Bugger Off

1. Come back (ফিরে আসো, Verb)
2. Stay (থাকো, Verb)
3. Remain (অবস্থান করা, Verb)
4. Return (ফিরে আসা, Verb)

Origin of Bugger Off

The phrase “bugger off” originated in British English and is derived from the slang term “bugger,” which is a vulgar term for a male homosexual. The phrase itself is considered offensive and impolite.

Nearby Words

1. Bugger (Noun)
2. Buggered (Adjective)
3. Buggery (Noun)
4. Buggy (Adjective)

Bugger Off in Literature Quotes

1. “Bugger off, you bloody wanker!” – J.K. Rowling (চলে যাও, তোমার রক্তপাত করা মানুষ!)

2. “Bugger off, I have no time for your nonsense.” – George Orwell (চলে যাও, আমার কাছে তোমার বাকচিত্রের জন্য সময় নেই।)

Bugger Off Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: চলে যাও (chole jao)
Hindi: चले जाओ (chale jao)
Nepali: चले जाओ (chale jao)
Urdu: چلے جاؤ (chale jao)
Tamil: செல் போக (sel poka)
Telugu: పోయేయి (poyei)
Arabic: ارحل (irhal)
Chinese: 滚开 (gǔn kāi)
Japanese: どっか行け (dokka ike)
Russian: убирайся (ubiraysya)

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