
Buggerall Meaning in Bengali: কিছুই না, কিছুই না (noun, pronunciation: buhg-uh-rawl)


Buggerall is a noun that refers to absolutely nothing or a complete lack of anything. It is often used to express a feeling of emptiness or insignificance.


Similar words for buggerall include:

  • Nothing (কিছুই না)
  • Nil (শূন্য)
  • Zero (শূন্য)
  • Void (শূন্যতা)


Antonyms of buggerall include:

  • Everything (সবকিছু)
  • Something (কিছু)
  • Anything (কিছুই)
  • Existence (অস্তিত্ব)


The term buggerall originated from the combination of the words “bugger” and “all.” “Bugger” is a slang term that means to sodomize or to engage in sexual intercourse. “All” refers to everything or the entirety of something. The phrase buggerall was likely coined as a humorous way to emphasize the idea of having absolutely nothing.

Nearby Words

Related words to buggerall include:

  • Nothingness (noun)
  • Voidness (noun)
  • Emptiness (noun)
  • Nullity (noun)

Buggerall in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention buggerall:

“Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying buggerall.” – William Shakespeare (জীবনটি একটি মূর্খের দ্বারা বলা গল্প, যা শব্দ ও ক্রোধের সঙ্গে পূর্ণ, কিন্তু কিছুই না বোঝাচ্ছে।)

“The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous and sometimes, very rarely, there’s a buggerall you can do about it.” – Douglas Adams (মহাকাশটি বৃহত্তম। এটি অসংখ্য জিনিসের সমন্বিত এবং বিদ্যমান এবং কখনও, খুব দ্রুত, আপনি এর সম্পর্কে কিছুই করতে পারবেন না।)

Buggerall Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of buggerall in different languages:

  • Bengali: কিছুই না
  • Hindi: कुछ नहीं
  • Nepali: केही पनि छैन
  • Urdu: کچھ نہیں
  • Tamil: எதுவும் இல்லை
  • Telugu: ఏమీ లేదు
  • Arabic: لا شيء
  • Chinese: 一无所有
  • Japanese: 何もない
  • Russian: ничего

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