
Bugs Meaning in Bengali: বাগস, কীটপতঙ্গ, পোকা, পতঙ্গ, পতঙ্গিনী (noun, pronunciation: bugs)

Definition of Bugs

(noun, pronunciation: bugs)

Bugs refer to small insects or other creeping or crawling creatures. They are typically characterized by having a segmented body, jointed legs, and often wings. Bugs can be found in various habitats, including homes, gardens, forests, and water bodies. They play important roles in ecosystems as pollinators, decomposers, and as a food source for other animals.

Synonyms of Bugs

(noun, pronunciation: bugs)

  • Insects – পতঙ্গ (pronunciation: potong)
  • Creatures – প্রাণী (pronunciation: prani)
  • Pests – পোকা (pronunciation: poka)
  • Vermin – পতঙ্গিনী (pronunciation: potongini)

Antonyms of Bugs

(noun, pronunciation: bugs)

  • Humans – মানুষ (pronunciation: manush)
  • Plants – উদ্ভিদ (pronunciation: udbhid)
  • Animals – প্রাণী (pronunciation: prani)

Origin of Bugs

(noun, pronunciation: bugs)

The word “bugs” originated from the Middle English word “bugge,” which means a ghost or an evil spirit. Over time, the term expanded to include small insects and other creepy-crawlies.

Nearby Words

  • Bugle (noun) – বুগল (pronunciation: bugol)
  • Buggy (noun) – বাগি (pronunciation: bagi)
  • Bugbear (noun) – ভীতিজনক ব্যক্তি (pronunciation: bhitijonok byakti)
  • Bug-eyed (adjective) – পতঙ্গের মত চোখের (pronunciation: potonger moto chokher)

Bugs in Literature Quotes

“The love of insects is as common as the love of flowers.” – John Lubbock (পোকাদের ভালবাসা ফুলদের ভালবাসার মতো সাধারণ।)

“Butterflies are self-propelled flowers.” – Robert A. Heinlein (প্রজাপতিরা নিজেই চলাচল করে ফুল।)

Bugs Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বাগস
  • Hindi: कीट
  • Nepali: किरा
  • Urdu: کیڑے
  • Tamil: பூச்சி
  • Telugu: పొక
  • Arabic: حشرات
  • Chinese: 虫子
  • Japanese: 虫
  • Russian: насекомое

For more information about bugs, you can visit wikipedia.org, dictionary.com, or thefreedictionary.com.