
Bulge Meaning in Bengali: উভয় পাশে বাড়ানো, উভয় পাশে ফুলানো, উভয় পাশে স্ফীত হত্তয়া, উভয় পাশে বাড়ানো, উভয় পাশে ফুলানো (verb, pronunciation: bulj)

Definition of Bulge

Bulge is a verb that means to swell or protrude outward. It can also refer to a sudden increase or surge in something, such as a population or demand.

Synonyms of Bulge

Some synonyms of bulge include: swell, expand, protrude, inflate, enlarge.

Antonyms of Bulge

Some antonyms of bulge are:

  • Shrink (সঙ্কুচিত হত্তয়া)
  • Contract (সংকোচন করা)
  • Deflate (স্ফীত হত্তয়া)
  • Diminish (ক্ষীণ হত্তয়া)

Origin of Bulge

The word bulge originated from the Middle English word bolge, which means a swelling or bag. It can be traced back to the Old French word boulge and the Latin word bulla, meaning a bubble or round swelling.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to bulge are:

  • Bulk (noun)
  • Bulky (adjective)
  • Bulging (adjective)
  • Bulged (verb)

Bulge in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention bulge:

“The bulge in his pocket revealed the presence of a wallet.” – John Smith (তার জিবন্ত পকেটের উভয় পাশে থেকে একটি ওয়ালেটের উপস্থিতি প্রকাশ করে।)

“She felt a bulge of excitement in her chest as she opened the letter.” – Jane Doe (তিনি চিঠি খুলতে স্তনে উত্তেজনার একটি উভয় পাশে অনুভব করেন।)

Bulge Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of bulge in different languages:

  • Bengali: উভয় পাশে বাড়ানো
  • Hindi: उभार
  • Nepali: उभार
  • Urdu: ابھار
  • Tamil: வலியுறுத்தல்
  • Telugu: బల్జ్
  • Arabic: انتفاخ
  • Chinese: 凸起
  • Japanese: 膨らみ
  • Russian: выпуклость

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