
Bunny Meaning in Bengali: খরগোশ, খরগোশের ছোট ছোট শিশু (noun, /ˈbʌni/)

Definition of Bunny

Bunny is a noun that refers to a small rabbit or a young rabbit. It is often used as a term of endearment for a cute and playful person.

Synonyms of Bunny

Some synonyms of bunny include rabbit, hare, cottontail, coney, and lapin.

Antonyms of Bunny

Some antonyms of bunny are predator (শিকারী), carnivore (মাংসাহারী), and hunter (শিকারকারী).

Origin of Bunny

The word bunny originated from the Scottish term “bun” or “bunn” which means rabbit. It was later adopted into the English language.

Nearby Words

  • Rabbit (noun) – খরগোশ
  • Hare (noun) – মৃগশৃঙ্গ
  • Cottontail (noun) – খরগোশের এক প্রজাতি
  • Coney (noun) – খরগোশ
  • Lapin (noun) – খরগোশ

Bunny in Literature Quotes

“Some people are worth melting for.” – Olaf (কিছু মানুষ মেল্ট করার যোগ্য।)”

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss (আপনি যত বেশি পড়বেন, তত বেশি জিনিস জানতে পারবেন। আপনি যত বেশি শিখবেন, তত বেশি জায়গা ঘুরতে পারবেন।)”

Bunny Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: খরগোশ
  • Hindi: खरगोश
  • Nepali: खरानी
  • Urdu: خرگوش
  • Tamil: முயல்
  • Telugu: కుంద
  • Arabic: أرنب
  • Chinese: 兔子 (Tùzi)
  • Japanese: ウサギ (Usagi)
  • Russian: кролик (krolik)

For more information about bunny, you can visit the following sources:

  1. Wikipedia.org
  2. Dictionary.com
  3. TheFreeDictionary.com