
Burglar-Proof Meaning in Bengali: চোরদমন প্রমাণিত (noun, pronunciation: bur-gler-proof)


Burglar-proof refers to something that is designed or made in a way that prevents burglars or thieves from gaining access or breaking into it. It is a term commonly used to describe security measures or systems that are highly resistant to burglary or theft.


Some synonyms of burglar-proof are:

  • Secure – নিরাপদ (adjective)
  • Safe – নিরাপদ (adjective)
  • Unbreakable – ভেঙে যাওয়া যায় না (adjective)
  • Impregnable – অত্যধিক সুরক্ষিত (adjective)


Some antonyms of burglar-proof are:

  • Vulnerable – সংকটপ্রবণ (adjective, Bengali meaning: আক্রমণযোগ্য)
  • Insecure – অনিরাপদ (adjective, Bengali meaning: অনিরাপদ)
  • Breakable – ভেঙে যাওয়া যায় (adjective, Bengali meaning: ভেঙ্গে যাওয়া যায়)
  • Violable – লঙ্ঘনযোগ্য (adjective, Bengali meaning: লঙ্ঘনযোগ্য)


The term burglar-proof originated from the combination of the words “burglar” and “proof.” The word “burglar” refers to a person who illegally enters buildings with the intention of committing theft or other crimes. The word “proof” means something that is resistant to or protected against a particular thing. When combined, they form the term burglar-proof, indicating something that is resistant to burglars or theft.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to burglar-proof are:

  • Burglar – noun (Bengali: চোর)
  • Burglary – noun (Bengali: চোরাখানা)
  • Burglarize – verb (Bengali: চোরানো)
  • Burglar Alarm – noun (Bengali: চোরদমন সংকেতবাদী)

Burglar-Proof in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention burglar-proof:

  • “My house is burglar-proof. It’s unbreakable, unenterable, and unescapable.” – Author Name (Bengali meaning: “আমার বাড়িটি চোরদমন প্রমাণিত। এটি ভেঙে যাওয়া, প্রবেশযোগ্য নয় এবং প্রস্থানযোগ্য নয়।”)
  • “The burglar-proof safe stood tall, challenging anyone to try and crack it.” – Author Name (Bengali meaning: “চোরদমন প্রমাণিত সেফটি উচ্চতর দাঁড়িয়েছিল, কারোকে চেষ্টা করার জন্য উৎসাহিত করে।”)

Burglar-Proof Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the translation of burglar-proof in different languages:

  • Bengali: চোরদমন প্রমাণিত
  • Hindi: चोरों से सुरक्षित
  • Nepali: चोरबाट सुरक्षित
  • Urdu: چوروں سے محفوظ
  • Tamil: கொள்ளையாளர்களிடத்திலிருந்து பாதுகாக்கப்பட்ட
  • Telugu: దరికొట్టబడిన కళ్ళు
  • Arabic: محصن ضد السرقة
  • Chinese: 防盗
  • Japanese: 盗難防止
  • Russian: защищенный от взлом