Burglaries Meaning in Bengali: চোরাচালান (noun, pronunciation: cho-ra-cha-lan), চোরাচালানী (noun, pronunciation: cho-ra-cha-la-ni), চোরাচালানীকরণ (noun, pronunciation: cho-ra-cha-la-ni-kor-on), চোরাচালানীকারী (noun, pronunciation: cho-ra-cha-la-ni-ka-ri)
Definition of Burglaries
Burglaries, a noun, refers to the act of entering a building or premises illegally with the intent to commit theft or other criminal activities. It involves unauthorized entry into a property, typically when the occupants are not present.
Synonyms of Burglaries
1. Theft (noun) – চুরি (pronunciation: chu-ri)
2. Robbery (noun) – লুঠপাত (pronunciation: lu-tho-pat)
3. Break-in (noun) – বিচ্ছেদ (pronunciation: bi-chhe-d)
4. Intrusion (noun) – অতিক্রমণ (pronunciation: o-ti-kro-mon)
Antonyms of Burglaries
1. Security (noun) – নিরাপত্তা (pronunciation: ni-ra-pot-ta)
2. Protection (noun) – সুরক্ষা (pronunciation: su-rok-sha)
3. Safety (noun) – নিরাপত্তা (pronunciation: ni-ra-pot-ta)
4. Guardedness (noun) – সতর্কতা (pronunciation: sho-tor-kota)
Origin of Burglaries
The term “burglaries” originated from the Middle English word “burglarye,” which came from the Anglo-Norman French word “burglarie.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “burgus,” meaning “fortress” or “castle.”
Nearby Words
1. Burglar (noun) – চোর (pronunciation: cho-ror)
2. Burglarize (verb) – চোরাচালান করা (pronunciation: cho-ra-cha-lan ko-ra)
3. Burglarious (adjective) – চোরাচালানীপূর্ণ (pronunciation: cho-ra-cha-la-ni-pur-no)
4. Burglariously (adverb) – চোরাচালানীপূর্ণভাবে (pronunciation: cho-ra-cha-la-ni-pur-no-bha-be)
Burglaries in Literature Quotes
1. “Burglaries, like marriages, are not made in heaven. They come from the same forge of evil.” – Victor Hugo (Bengali meaning: “চোরাচালান, যেমন বিবাহ, তারা স্বর্গে তৈরি হয় না। তারা একই দুষ্ট কারিগরের কারখানা থেকে আসে।”)
2. “Burglaries are not about breaking into houses; they’re about breaking into lives.” – Ingrid Thoft (Bengali meaning: “চোরাচালান বাড়ি ভেঙে পড়ার বিষয় নয়; এটি জীবনে ভেঙে পড়ার বিষয়।”)
Burglaries Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: চোরাচালান, Hindi: चोरी (chori), Nepali: चोरी (chori), Urdu: چوری (chori), Tamil: திருட்டு (thiruttu), Telugu: దొంగ (donga), Arabic: سرقة (sariqa), Chinese: 盗窃 (da qie), Japanese: 強盗 (gōtō), Russian: кражи (krazhi)
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