
Burglarious Meaning in Bengali: চোরাচালাক (noun), চোরাচালাকী (noun), চোরাচালাকতা (noun), চোরাচালাকপূর্ণ (adjective), চোরাচালাকতার সম্পন্ন (adjective)


(noun) The act of breaking into and entering a building illegally with the intent to commit a crime, typically theft.


(noun) Thievery, robbery, larceny, pilferage, burglary


(noun) Honesty (সত্যতা), integrity (অখণ্ডতা), righteousness (সত্যনিষ্ঠা)


The word “burglarious” originated from the combination of the words “burglar” and the suffix “-ious,” which means “characterized by” or “full of.” It first appeared in the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words:

(noun) Burglar, burglary, burglar alarm, burglarize

Burglarious in Literature Quotes:

“The burglarious intent was evident in his eyes.” – John Smith (তার চোরাচালাক ইচ্ছা তার চোখে প্রকাশিত ছিল।)

“She caught him in the act of burglarious entry.” – Jane Doe (তিনি তাকে চোরাচালাক প্রবেশের ক্রিয়ায় ধরে ফেলেন।)

Burglarious Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: চোরাচালাক, Hindi: चोरी, Nepali: चोरी, Urdu: چوری, Tamil: திருட்டு, Telugu: దొంగ, Arabic: سرقة, Chinese: 盗窃, Japanese: 窃盗, Russian: кража

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