Burns Meaning in Bengali: দাহ, জ্বালা, পুড়ে যাওয়া, পুড়ে যাওয়া, পুড়ে যাওয়া, পুড়ে যাওয়া (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, transitive verb, intransitive verb, respectively)
Definition of Burns
(noun) Burns refers to the injury or damage caused to the skin or other tissues due to heat, fire, electricity, radiation, or chemicals. It is characterized by redness, pain, and sometimes blistering or charring of the affected area.
Burns Synonyms
(noun) scorch, singe, sear, blister, char, scald
Burns Antonyms
(noun) cool, soothe, heal, relieve, repair, mend (ঠাণ্ডা, শান্ত করা, সুস্থ করা, উপশম করা, মেরামত করা, ঠিক করা)
Origin of Burns
The word “burns” originated from the Old English word “byrnan,” which means “to be on fire” or “to be consumed by fire.”
Nearby Words
(noun) fire, flame, heat, injury, wound
(verb) ignite, scorch, singe, sear, char
(adjective) fiery, hot, scalding, blistering, searing
(adverb) fiercely, intensely, passionately, ardently, vehemently
(transitive verb) scorch, singe, sear, blister, char
(intransitive verb) smolder, blaze, flame, ignite, combust
Burns in Literature Quotes
“A man’s a man for a’ that.” – Robert Burns (একটি মানুষ সবার জন্যই মানুষ।)
“O my Luve’s like a red, red rose.” – Robert Burns (ও আমার প্রেম একটি লাল, লাল গোলাপের মতো।)
Burns Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: দাহ
Hindi: जलना
Nepali: जलन
Urdu: جلنا
Tamil: எரிச்சல்
Telugu: బర్న్స్
Arabic: حروق
Chinese: 烧伤
Japanese: 火傷
Russian: ожоги
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