
Burrs Meaning in Bengali: কাঁটা, কাঁটাবিশেষ, কাঁটাময়, কাঁটাবিশেষের (noun, pronunciation: bʌr)

Definition of Burrs

Burrs are rough, prickly, or spiky seed pods or fruits that are often found on certain plants. They have small hooks or barbs that allow them to easily attach to fur, clothing, or other surfaces, aiding in seed dispersal. Burrs can be irritating and difficult to remove, especially when they become tangled in hair or fabric.

Burrs Synonyms

  • Thorns (কাঁটা)
  • Spines (কাঁটাবিশেষ)
  • Prickles (কাঁটাময়)
  • Barbs (কাঁটাবিশেষের)

Burrs Antonyms

  • Smooth (মসৃণ)
  • Soft (নরম)
  • Gentle (মৃদু)
  • Velvet (মলয়ময়)

Origin of Burrs

The word “burrs” originated from the Old English word “byr”, which means “rough, prickly”. It has been used to describe the seed pods or fruits of various plants for centuries.

Nearby Words

  • Thistle (noun) – কাঁটালতা
  • Bristle (noun) – কাঁটা
  • Prickle (noun) – কাঁটা
  • Spur (noun) – কাঁটা

Burrs in Literature Quotes

  • “The burrs and the thistles grew thick and close” – William Wordsworth (কাঁটা এবং কাঁটালতা ঘন এবং ঘন হয়ে উঠেছিল)
  • “The burrs stuck to his clothes as he walked through the field” – Jane Austen (কাঁটা তার পোশাকে সংযুক্ত হয়ে থাকল যখন তিনি ক্ষেতে হেঁটেছিলেন)

Burrs Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: কাঁটা
  • Hindi: कंटी
  • Nepali: काँटा
  • Urdu: کانٹا
  • Tamil: காட்டுக்கனி
  • Telugu: కాంటి
  • Arabic: شوكة
  • Chinese: 刺
  • Japanese: とげ
  • Russian: шипы

For more information about burrs, you can visit Wikipedia.org, Dictionary.com, or TheFreeDictionary.com.