Burst Out Meaning in Bengali: বিস্ফোরণ করা, উঠে পড়া, উদ্ভট হত্তয়া, উদ্ভট হওয়া (verb, pronunciation: burst out)
Definition of Burst Out
Burst out is a phrasal verb that means to suddenly express or show strong emotions, such as laughter, anger, or tears, in a loud and uncontrolled way.
Synonyms of Burst Out
Some synonyms of burst out are:
- erupt (উত্তেজিত হত্তয়া)
- explode (বিস্ফোরণ করা)
- blurt out (অবিচারে বলা)
- break out (উদ্ভট হওয়া)
Antonyms of Burst Out
Some antonyms of burst out are:
- restrain (সংযম করা)
- suppress (নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা)
- hold back (পিছু ধরা)
- contain (সংযমিত রাখা)
Origin of Burst Out
The phrase burst out originated from the combination of the verb burst and the adverb out. The word burst comes from the Old English word berstan, meaning “to break suddenly.”
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to burst out are:
- burst (noun)
- burst (verb)
- bursting (adjective)
- burster (noun)
Burst Out in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that include the phrase burst out:
“She burst out laughing, a harsh and hollow sound that echoed through the empty room.” – Emily Brontë (তিনি হাসতে উঠে পড়লেন, একটি কঠিন এবং খালি শব্দ যা খালি ঘরে প্রতিধ্বনিত হয়েছিল।)
“He burst out in anger, his face turning red with fury.” – Charles Dickens (তিনি রাগে উদ্ভট হলেন, তাঁর মুখ রাগে লাল হয়ে গেল।)
Burst Out Meaning in Different Languages
The meaning of burst out in different languages:
- Bengali: বিস্ফোরণ করা
- Hindi: फटकारना
- Nepali: फुट्नु
- Urdu: پھٹ پڑنا
- Tamil: வெடிக்குதல்
- Telugu: పొరపడు
- Arabic: انفجار
- Chinese: 爆发 (bàofā)
- Japanese: 爆発する (bakuhatsu suru)
- Russian: взрываться (vzryvat’sya)
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