burst out laughing

Burst Out Laughing Meaning in Bengali: হাসি ফোটানো, হাসি উঠানো, হাসি পড়া (verb, /bɜːrst aʊt ˈlæfɪŋ/)

Definition of Burst Out Laughing

Burst out laughing is a phrasal verb that means to suddenly start laughing loudly and uncontrollably. It is an expression used to describe a situation where someone cannot control their laughter and it bursts out involuntarily.

Synonyms of Burst Out Laughing

  • Crack up (হাসি ফোটানো)
  • Roar with laughter (হাসি উঠানো)
  • Burst into laughter (হাসি পড়া)
  • Laugh out loud (উচ্চ হাসি করা)

Antonyms of Burst Out Laughing

  • Hold back laughter (হাসি রোধ করা)
  • Suppress laughter (হাসি দমন করা)
  • Keep a straight face (সাদা মুখ রাখা)
  • Remain serious (গম্ভীর থাকা)

Origin of Burst Out Laughing

The phrase “burst out laughing” originated from the combination of the words “burst” and “laughing.” The word “burst” means to break open or apart suddenly and violently, while “laughing” refers to the act of expressing amusement or mirth. When used together, the phrase conveys the idea of laughter that erupts suddenly and forcefully.

Nearby Words

  • Burst (noun) – ফাটানো, ফোটানো
  • Out (adverb) – বাইরে
  • Laughing (adjective) – হাসির

Burst Out Laughing in Literature Quotes

  • “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” – Victor Hugo (হাসি মানুষের মুখ থেকে শীতকাল দূর করে দেয়।)
  • “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplin (হাসির বিনিময়ে নষ্ট হয়ে যাওয়া একটি দিন।)

Burst Out Laughing Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: হাসি ফোটানো
  • Hindi: हंसी फटना
  • Nepali: हाँसो फोट्नु
  • Urdu: ہنسی پھٹنا
  • Tamil: சிரிப்பு வெடிக்கும்
  • Telugu: నవ్వు పడుతుండే
  • Arabic: انفجار الضحك
  • Chinese: 爆笑 (bào xiào)
  • Japanese: 爆笑する (bakushō suru)
  • Russian: разразиться смехом (razrazit’sya smekhom)

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