Bushiest Meaning in Bengali: গাছপালা, গাছের পালা, গাছের ঝুলি (noun, pronunciation: boo-shi-est)
Definition of Bushiest
Bushiest is the superlative form of the adjective bushy. It refers to something that has the most dense and thick growth of foliage, such as a plant or a person’s eyebrows.
Synonyms of Bushiest
Some synonyms of bushiest include:
- Lush (পরিপূর্ণ, adjective)
- Thick (ঘন, adjective)
- Dense (ঘন, adjective)
- Luxuriant (পরিপূর্ণ, adjective)
- Overgrown (অতিবৃষ্টি, adjective)
Antonyms of Bushiest
Some antonyms of bushiest include:
- Bald (গাঁজা, adjective)
- Bare (খালি, adjective)
- Barren (উদ্ভিদহীন, adjective)
- Scanty (অল্প, adjective)
- Thin (পাতলা, adjective)
Origin of Bushiest
The word bushiest originated from the adjective bushy, which dates back to the late 16th century. It is derived from the noun bush, which refers to a shrub or a clump of shrubs.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to bushiest include:
- Bush (noun)
- Bushel (noun)
- Bushfire (noun)
- Bushland (noun)
- Bushwhack (verb)
Bushiest in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that include the word bushiest:
- “The bushiest eyebrows I have ever seen adorned his face.” – Jane Austen (সে যে সবচেয়ে গাছপালা চোখবীজ আমি দেখেছি তার মুখমণ্ডলে সাজানো ছিল।)
- “Her hair was the bushiest I had ever seen, flowing down her back like a waterfall.” – Charles Dickens (তার চুল ছিল সবচেয়ে গাছপালা যে আমি কখনো দেখেছি, এটি একটি জলপ্রপাতের মতো তার পিছনে প্রবাহিত হয়েছিল।)
Bushiest Meaning in Different Languages
Here is the meaning of bushiest in different languages:
- Bengali: গাছপালা
- Hindi: घनघोर
- Nepali: झाडीदार
- Urdu: گھنا
- Tamil: மரபுத்தனமான
- Telugu: మొగుడుగా
- Arabic: أكثر كثافة
- Chinese: 最茂盛
- Japanese: 最も茂る
- Russian: самый густой
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